速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Daily use english sentences in Hindi

Daily use english sentences in Hindi





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Daily use english sentences in Hindi(圖1)-速報App

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Do you want to improve your English skills?

Do you want to understand the foreigners?

Do you want to go abroad?

Do you want to practice your English daily?

Do you want to learn Speaking English if yes than best way of speaking english is by learning daily conversation sentences. But there is problem with people who knows hindi or whose primary language is hindi. They know Hindi in their daily routine but don't know what would the be spoken of same hindi sentence in English.

This English to Hindi Common words app you can use as a Mini or micro English to Hindi dictionary. This application also help to kid or kids to learn simple English to Hindi common words . Not only kids but also all Hindi native people can use this common words . By using this common words you can make English to Hindi Translation usually.

Collection of all English Irregular Verbs.

English Phrasal verbs app with over 3000 phrases.

Common phrasal of verbs and sentenses in English. - - The most common phrasal verbs, popular english idioms are collected.

Daily use english sentences in Hindi(圖2)-速報App

Alphabetical index make it easy to find phrasal verb, idiom, english sentences.

All phrasal verbs, idioms have explanation and useful example.

Easy take a note with each idiom or phrasal verb.

Learn Hindi

Spoken Hindi through English

Learn Hindi with Audio

Learn Hindi language with proper pronunciation

Beginner Conversation.

Business Conversation.

English Conversation Courses.

Daily use english sentences in Hindi(圖3)-速報App

Everyday Conversation.

English Listening Test for each conversation.